It seems to me that the best use for these sort of imitations is to assign them to undergraduates as an exercise in source criticism. Give them a selection of authentic and AI-generated 17th-century medical writings and ask them to distinguish which ones are which, explaining their reasoning.

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So much fun to ask your 17th C GPT Physician for help…it recommended Willow Bark for My back pain (the inspiration for Asprin synthesized 100s of years later!).

By now you must have seen the samples of SORA Altman has been posting to his X account, and everyone else on youtube has been discussing. Curious to hear your speculations about how GENAI video might be used in a simulation, given how much you have already experimented with combinations of character and story creation, with GenAI illustrations. Here is SORA’s recreation of the California Gold Rush (from Historical photos?) https://youtu.be/ZJcnUo2JsFg?si=b3Xmv4qUgJ6_a13Z

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Some interesting ideas in this essay

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